There was a wise man who once said, that 1 person can change the lives of millions. Imagine what a Million people can do! Our world is so filled with decay, every aspect of life, is continually crumbling. Every aspect, every aspect, ranging from families, loves, work, politics, health, schools, people. In general, everything is just completely off it’s rocker, but that’s what is the destiny of the people. We are destined for greatness, but we are also destined to fail. The world has finally reached it’s peak, where there is no where else to go but to fall straight down! The year 2012 is so close, could the predictions be true?
Our world has truly turned for the worst, with the advancement in technology and medicine, there still aren’t cures for AID’s, Cancer, Cerebral palsy. We’ve invented new ways to effectively kill one another, we’ve found new ways to destroy our world. If you think about it, the time span that humans were alive, compared to the whole universe, we’d be just a blink of the eye. We are going to go, just as fast as we came. It will be nature that destroys us, the nature of man! Our families have drifted apart, to the point where we toss aside our parents to nursing homes, because we don’t want to care for them when we need it. But that is what the basis of the circle of life is. They cared for you when you couldn’t walk, talk, or eat on your own. It is only right that you suck it up and help them!
Our jobs, our politics, our leaders have screwed us over for no reasons but for a silly invention that was only a couple of hundreds of years old. That invention is money, not wealth, but money. We’ve become so focused on materialistic things, that we just forget that people are out there, that there is a world out there besides your Ifone, or computer. There is a whole beautiful world out there, that most people only see in books, or movies! If we’ve been consumed by materialistic things, how can we expect any different from our politicians? If you were in their position you would do the same thing, the only person to blame for the decay of politics, is our own fault!
We have truly reached our peak. We’ve built metal birds that can fly, bombs that make people die. We’ve split atoms in a blink of an eye, we don’t even feel like we are alive. We’ve come a long way from rolling a circular stone, and building a fire. We’ve come so far away from hunting Mammoths, and huddling together in the cold.. All we do is go to school all of our lives, listen to our teachers. We then go to college to get a good job, and we listen to our bosses all the time. Then we die. That’s all live is, there is nothing more, and nothing less. The only way people would truly live life, if they knew they were going to die, and 2012 is coming soon!
Nostrodamus, and the Mayans predicted a day where mankind civilization would be destroyed. The year 2012, only 4 years from now. Not to long into the future, will we soon realize if mankind will truly be destroyed. 1 of two things will happen once mass hysteria hits. People will either begin to be peaceful, and accept death, and live life! Or 2 there will be chaos and people will do whatever they want, seeing as everyone else will die anyway. I know my fellow man, we’d rather do whatever we want, then to live life. We’d kill people, rape, steal, take, all for our own selfish needs! Remember, 1 person can change the lives of millions. Think about what millions can do!