Thursday, February 21, 2008

2012, The Decay of Mankind

There was a wise man who once said, that 1 person can change the lives of millions. Imagine what a Million people can do! Our world is so filled with decay, every aspect of life, is continually crumbling. Every aspect, every aspect, ranging from families, loves, work, politics, health, schools, people. In general, everything is just completely off it’s rocker, but that’s what is the destiny of the people. We are destined for greatness, but we are also destined to fail. The world has finally reached it’s peak, where there is no where else to go but to fall straight down! The year 2012 is so close, could the predictions be true?
Our world has truly turned for the worst, with the advancement in technology and medicine, there still aren’t cures for AID’s, Cancer, Cerebral palsy. We’ve invented new ways to effectively kill one another, we’ve found new ways to destroy our world. If you think about it, the time span that humans were alive, compared to the whole universe, we’d be just a blink of the eye. We are going to go, just as fast as we came. It will be nature that destroys us, the nature of man! Our families have drifted apart, to the point where we toss aside our parents to nursing homes, because we don’t want to care for them when we need it. But that is what the basis of the circle of life is. They cared for you when you couldn’t walk, talk, or eat on your own. It is only right that you suck it up and help them!
Our jobs, our politics, our leaders have screwed us over for no reasons but for a silly invention that was only a couple of hundreds of years old. That invention is money, not wealth, but money. We’ve become so focused on materialistic things, that we just forget that people are out there, that there is a world out there besides your Ifone, or computer. There is a whole beautiful world out there, that most people only see in books, or movies! If we’ve been consumed by materialistic things, how can we expect any different from our politicians? If you were in their position you would do the same thing, the only person to blame for the decay of politics, is our own fault!
We have truly reached our peak. We’ve built metal birds that can fly, bombs that make people die. We’ve split atoms in a blink of an eye, we don’t even feel like we are alive. We’ve come a long way from rolling a circular stone, and building a fire. We’ve come so far away from hunting Mammoths, and huddling together in the cold.. All we do is go to school all of our lives, listen to our teachers. We then go to college to get a good job, and we listen to our bosses all the time. Then we die. That’s all live is, there is nothing more, and nothing less. The only way people would truly live life, if they knew they were going to die, and 2012 is coming soon!
Nostrodamus, and the Mayans predicted a day where mankind civilization would be destroyed. The year 2012, only 4 years from now. Not to long into the future, will we soon realize if mankind will truly be destroyed. 1 of two things will happen once mass hysteria hits. People will either begin to be peaceful, and accept death, and live life! Or 2 there will be chaos and people will do whatever they want, seeing as everyone else will die anyway. I know my fellow man, we’d rather do whatever we want, then to live life. We’d kill people, rape, steal, take, all for our own selfish needs! Remember, 1 person can change the lives of millions. Think about what millions can do!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Prison System Solution!

The prison system just doesn’t seem to be working at all. People say the prison reforms the criminals that are place in there. That may be true, the prisons don’t reform the world outside of prison. Those that end up in prison usually come from crime infested areas, so if a person who goes to prison changes there ways and get’s tossed out right into the crime infested areas, what are they going to do? Go back to the life of crime! True you can’t just place the blame of a persons actions to anything else, you should only blame the person. Everyone has a choice to do what they please, and to do what is right and what is wrong.
The prison systems don’t reform anyone, these people go in and they are bombarded with all of these strict rules, and they have to follow them or be punished. I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but you may think that that is a bad thing after I go into it with some more details. You see, these prisoners have to eat when they are told to, go outside when they are told to, and sleep when they are told to. What that does it make sure that they know how to follow rules, and order. But what that doesn’t do it make them fit to rejoin society Because in real life there aren’t rules like tat out there, that makes sure that they have to live by those rules that used to be enforced by the guards. Now that criminals are outside of the prison, they don’t have the guards watching over them, so they have no one to make sure that they follow these rules!
So in the end these criminals just commit the same crime just to go back to prison, because they realize that they can not survive outside without their commonplace of rules and order. What is the solution to this? What can we do in order to make sure that we truly change these criminals from being harmful to society? We have to teach them the trade that can give them the ability to function into society! Give them a chance to work inside of the prisons. More later folks!

More radical political though!

The Death penalty, what can be said about that? Do you think that the prison system is really doing it’s job? Is it really reforming these criminals? I don’t think so, there is no real reason to think that the prison system works. It doesn’t! Well if we took it to the extreme, and tortured the crap out of the criminals then maybe they would change their ways! But we can’t do that can we because that is IN HUMANE!
What makes them human? What makes any person Human? A human is susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature. Human nature has truly evolved in with it, part of our human nature is the fact that we follow the laws that were placed out for us in order to protect one another from each other. Without laws, people would kill who ever they wanted, men would rape women children anytime they want, and then there would be stealing, and we’d be in total chaos with more criminals than what we know what to do with.
Oh wait, I’m sorry, that’s our current situation. See these men and women don’t see the logic behind these laws. They aren’t like other humans, who understand that murder, rape and stealing is wrong. They just do it because they don’t think of themselves as humans. Humans follows the laws, animals don’t follow humanistic laws, they only follow the laws of the nature. And if criminals believe that they need to break these laws so that they can do whatever they want. They don’t seem to understand that if they break human laws, that makes them non-humans!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sarcastic Political Views!

Our society has become so filled with immoralities and decay, we are at the point where mankind is at it’s brink of destruction. See we’ve been on this planet for only thousands of years, yet we were able to screw up a lot of things in just a little time! Most of our society is driven off of one basic instinct which trumps all other instincts, and that is sex. We are immorally corrupt, and sex is what fuels us to wake up in the morning. If men had the chance of being able to have sex for the rest of his life, with different women, and not having to worry about work or life, he’d stay in bed and just have sex.
People are having way to much casual sex, that it’s really getting really really bad! I don’t know if you all know this but the fact that people just have sex at a young age, it just makes people think it’s ok, even though they may be 14. Pretty soon, it’s going to be 11 year olds. Right now it actually happens a lot. But we don’t want that to happen. It will ruin politics! Pretty soon way to many kids will be born, and there will be nothing left for America to go to war for, so now we’ll have way to many new babies to pre-teen mothers! And no war so no population control!
What can we do about this problem? Eat babies? No, I don’t think that would be the solution. The solution is that beat your kids senseless! Tell them that don’t have sex, don’t start at such a young age, wait for the right guy! That way we stop pre-teen pregnancies, and we make sure that the population is under control. We need a real over haul of everything that we hold dear, or we could just stay quite! I think we should all stay silent and hope that once it really get’s bad, we will all be dead by that time!

ONE man or that ONE woman that made a difference in the WORLD.... just ONE.... imagine what HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS can DO!

The Greedy Politician!

A lot of people nowadays look at politician as nothing more than crooks. They associate crooks and politicians as if they are one and the same. The younger generation, see’s them as nothing more than scandalous, greedy, old, self absorbed people! That is just a general misconception, not all politicians are like that! There are great people out there, that do what needs to be done in order to represent the best interest of the people. But their names are rarely seen in the paper! Why? Because As people we Love drama and excitement. We can’t live without it.
We want more of corruption, greed, and scandals! So technically we are promoting the fact that the bad politicians can just do whatever they want to! Ever since the 1960's and the whole Watergate scandal, people have just lost faith in the government. Well I’m not going to say people, but I’m going to say a lot of the people! There are so many people that don’t vote because of this reason, if they had ever voted, I think a lot of things would be different.
What can we do, we are just people. Where the politicians are supposed to represent our best interests. But we only pay them so much through the taxes, but that’s just not enough for them. They make hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars every year to serve the best interest of private companies and organizations. And honestly I don’t blame them. It’s in human nature, and politicians are no better than any other human. If you were presented millions of dollars to screw over the people not only in legislation, but also in life, you’d probably take it. An example, just a made up example.
Say one politician was give 800,000 dollars, in order to support the health care companies. They make sure that laws and legislation are just perfect for the health companies, instead of providing that health care to the people! So we pay him only a hundred thousand, and health care companies pay him hundred’s of thousands. I think they are going to be invested in helping the one giving them more money. Now the health care companies catch your eyes, your sign up and everything goes well until you get sick. They send out the dogs to find out if you lied, or had a pre-existing condition. Then when they find some small mistake on your forms, you are now screwed medically.
So you go to the hospital, maybe to amputate something, sew something back on, or even go for some really expensive treatment, you are screwed over cause your medical insurance company no longer covers you. So the insurance companies make the money off of the legislation, off of you, and you are screwed in the end. It’s just in human nature, to be greedy, everyone is greedy, and I want anyone who disagrees with me about that, to just come right to my face and tell me that they are not greedy. Everyone is greedy, hell I’m greedy! I want something, I want my words to make an impact, I want to become a politician in the future, and keep a good name, and try to restore it. I want to become president and revamp the entire governmental system. I want to give the people universal health care, no matter how hard I have to fight. I want to make sure that our seniors are taken care of, because one day I’m old and I want to make sure that the younger generation will take care of me! I want a lot of things, I am a greed selfish person, I want to much.
And the sad thing is I’m a greedy person who wants things that a lot of people want. I will never make it to office, because I’m not rich, I have no funds, I have no way of winning any election! I feel deep down inside that I can change the world, that the reason why I was put on this earth was to change the world. Remember folks throughout our entire existence, ever since man has ended up on this planet, there was always that ONE man or that ONE woman that made a difference in the WORLD.... just ONE.... imagine what HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS can DO!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Healt Care... NOT A CRISIS

What can I talk about now? Which hasn’t already been said or even thought of? Well what is wrong with this world? What is wrong with the government? A lot of things can be said that could be wrong! There are so many things that are just so damn wrong. Let me start with the health care system then. There are good and then there is the bad.
Well first of all, there is a big bad problem with having the whole health care system that belongs to private companies! They have their own little tv advertisements that make it sound so great that you are going to get health care insurance, then you give them a call, and then they just take your information down, and after all of that you get rejected. Where are you going to turn when that comes down to it?
I have a solution, which is an incredible solution, which is extremely easy. People think on such a large scale, that they think that it is impossible! Well, we should start it in small groups, of people who really need help, and a couple of rich folk, that are very kind hearted. So first thing you do is pool in money into an account which can only be accessed in case of an emergency. All of the technical stuff can be worked out later as to the definition of emergency. So then once you start pooling in all of the money, just keep saving and saving until some one really needs it.
You may say, why do I need to do that? Well maybe one day when you need help, you’ll get it. See by doing this, the people become closer, and people begin to trust one another again. See the thing is, no one should be allowed to keep the money, and the money can only be taken out of the bank when the doctor says it’s necessary for an operation or they need to pay for it. That way you can kill 1 million birds with one stone.
The Birds
1. You can kill the very bird, which is know as the health company! Without you applying to their companies, they start to die out eventually, because the Americans are now taking CARE OF AMERICANS
2. The Doctors would usually do operations for the money, and only for the money, and they would usually reject a person without health care. So now that you the money to pay for the operation, it just shows that the Doctor’s were just to greedy to save the person without the GREEN!
3. You can start a revolution... just a hand ful of people can start a new revolution inside of the government. People see that this system works, then the governments will soon collapse under pressure and see that this actually works
4. There are more birds, but I don’t have to list them... seeing as those three birds are pretty damn big already!

Remember folks throughout our entire existence, ever since man has ended up on this planet, there was always that ONE man or that ONE woman that made a difference in the WORLD.... just ONE.... imagine what HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS can DO!

EXTRA, EXTRA read all about it. the le0dude is on the web!

Do you know what grinds my gears? I’ll tell you what, the whole entire political system. Not only that of America, but every where else. Listen I’m an American, and no one can take that away from me. Men have fought and died for my right of freedom of speech, also they died so I can stay silent! They died so that the people will rule, and the government will rule for the people. People have died so that we may live. People have died so that we may speak... People have died so that we may criticize our own Country. That’s why America is great, I’m not saying any other country is great, better, or worst. See the thing is I’m not from your countries so I can’t say your country is better than mine! But just don’t see American’s as evil people... see them as people!
Now today’s little discussion, I want to bring up the fact that when I get older, I’m going to move to Canada. Find me a nice Canadian woman and move right on up there. Don’t get me wrong, America is great, but the fact of the matter is, I won’t have anything here. If I got sick, or got hurt, I’d have to pay the people that knows how to save my life a pound of flesh in order to save my life! Well I guess I need health care! What’s the point of working all of my life, and trying to live the American dream, but then in the end, I just end up losing it all just because I got sick. I could take every precaution and become phobic about everything, but what kind of life would that be?
In order to make it in this country you have to cheat to win, and I mean cheat to win! To pay all of the medical bills, to pay property taxes, watch as the school system produces dumber students! Well what can I expect for the future? I need money, and I need it fast in order to make sure I have a guaranteed future! So I guess I could just cheat, come on, the way everything is set up, I would think that they want us to steal. Right? Just look at the prisons... not a care in the world, well except for the occasional butt rape, but hey, 3 square meals, Cable, a gym, sports, and a bunch of new friends! Well next time I’m going to talk about the prison systems! Later folks, remember.... Live Life the Way You Want To Live It. You Only Live Once!